Information about TNTEdit for Microsoft Word
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A license to use TNTEdit® is distributed free of charge to clients of Technologies ‘N Typography. The user must be using Windows 95®, Windows 98®, Windows NT®, Windows XP® and Microsoft Word Word 2000®

  • For a more detailed look at TNTEdit, the TNTEdit help file is available online. The help file contains in-depth desriptions of the functions and tools available with TNTEdit.

What is TNTEdit?

Microsoft Word is a powerful and complex application designed primarily for creating documents from scratch. When it comes to revising existing documents, editors have found many of its "helpful" features get in the way of editing. Functions that would be genuinely helpful for editing are either hard to find, do not work the way you need, or are missing altogether. It offers no simple way to create a clear printout for review that shows editorial changes and allows the user to address queries to the author.

TNTEdit is a Microsoft Word® Template designed to make Word a convenient and useful tool for editing. It allows you to use familiar editing and typemarking conventions and work the way you choose. TNTEdit is designed to handle a wide range of trade and academic book projects, with features for editing notes, tables, and figure captions, creating simple math equations, and calling out artwork placement.

Special attention has been paid to make the template easy to work with:

  • Editing functions are readily available on toolbars or context-sensitive right mouse button menus
  • Icons, dialogue boxes, and other displays have been designed for maximum legibility (yes, you can actually see the special characters)
  • All editing functions have keyboard shortcuts assigned to them

The template also keeps track of which folder you're working in, how options are currently set, and even the page number of the last page printed; messages and dialog boxes offer clear explanations and prompts.

The TNTEdit template harnesses the power of Word and puts it under the editor's control.


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